Another busy week is coming to a close. Just as it seemed like the new transparent budget process was moving forward, liberal Republicans teamed up with Democrats to throw the whole project into disarray. You can read more about that here at the Chronicle. I wonder if JFAC co-chairs Sen. Scott Grow and Rep. Wendy Horman would do things differently if they could relive today like Bill Murray.
The Ada County GOP met last night to hear the results of a financial review that was triggered after six former officers resigned last October. I live-tweeted the meeting here, but I think the ACRCC press release published at the Chronicle sums it up well.
Remember to join me and the Gem County Republicans Saturday night in Emmett. Tickets are still available, so contact Cathie Johnson at the number on the flier. It is going to be a great time and I’d love to see you there!
I had another conversation with Matt Edwards of Citizens Alliance of Idaho this week, talking about House Joint Resolution 1. This would ask Idaho voters to remove the Blaine Amendment from our state constitution, which discriminates against religious organizations when public money is concerned.
Last Friday I wrote a sponsored piece for People United For Privacy about the myth of dark money and how conservatives should not accept the left’s framing of this issue. Check out the piece here and make sure to visit PUFP to see what they’re all about.
Longtime readers might remember my interview with Scott Cleveland when he ran as an independent candidate for Senate in 2022. He’s back, challenging PAC piglet Congressman Mike Simpson for the 2024 primary. He spoke to Dustin Hurst on Freedom Bros last week:
Finally, Auron MacIntyre had several great videos this week, but I want to highlight this hard-hitting look at the late stage of our civilization. What does it mean when the statues of our heroes are torn down, satanic displays are protected by law, elected officials are pledging allegiance to foreign nations, and our southern border is wide open?
Thanks again for all your support. It’s really neat to bump into people at various events and learn that they read my work. I’ll keep writing so long as you keep reading. Subscribe for free to get daily posts in your email!