Liberty Base of Republican Party Keeps Promises
Idaho GOP 2nd Vice Chair Mark Fuller shares the state of the party
This is a guest post by Idaho Republican Party 2nd Vice Chair Mark Fuller, originally published in the Idaho Falls Post-Register.
As Dorothy Moon and the Liberty base of the Republican Party wrested power from the establishment at the 2022 State Convention, many wondered how the party faithful would respond. Would the rank and file support the new leadership or would infighting slow the progress promised by Moon and other officers? Those questions were answered decisively at the State Winter meeting just completed. All who attended confirm that Moon is fulfilling promises of top down change to prevent leadership overreach.
Rules were changed to prevent the kind of intimidation litigation filed against Bonneville County by prior leadership. Litigation control was retained by the Central Committee and future Chairmen must seek permission first from the State Executive Committee. This was approved unanimously as a stern rebuke of prior unilateral leadership.
Crossover voting by Democrats in the Republican Primary will be reduced under rule requiring 12 months to pass after Party affiliation before voting in the Primary. Exceptions are allowed for newly qualified voters - new move ins and 18 year olds. No longer can a Democrat become a “ Republican for a day” to select the weakest nominee, then switch back for the general election. Only Republicans should choose Republican nominees.
Executive committee membership residency was addressed in a rule change requiring that all executives must be registered voters and maintain a primary residence in Idaho. Failure to maintain both results in immediate discharge from Party office. Those who lead the Idaho Republican Party must be qualified to vote and must live among us. Not a hard concept, this change was unanimously approved.
Funding of the State Party has long been a cause of dispute with smaller Counties working hard to pay their "widow's mite", while prosperous Ada County and others flout their quota obligations. Delegates modified the County quota system into a clear membership dues program applied to those attending biannual Conventions. Delegates from counties not paying their fair share quota will face a surcharge in order to attend the convention. This surcharge can be avoided by County leadership simply contributing to basic overhead costs to run the Party office and staff. County committee leaders must support State Party financial needs.
Given the size of some political units, rules were adopted to expand the use of electronic meetings, except when elections are involved. At the instigation of Bonneville County, significant changes in Region designations were approved, increasing from seven regions to ten. This will bring many new faces to the Executive Committee, diluting power of establishment holdovers. These steps prevent a return to the days when top leadership prevented genuine involvement of grass roots patriots, the true power in our Republic. Only a leader such as Moon, in the tradition of Washington and Reagan, can give away her “power”, and thereby increase her influence. In spite of differing opinions on policy, personalities need not conflict as we are led by Moon’s mix of patriot passion and educator compassion.
Many issues remain, with several conflicts intentionally delayed until the Summer meeting in June. As Moon’s wisdom fills the vacuum created by prior leaders, her years of legislative service will allow party resolutions to impact the bills considered and statutes adopted. Never has the Republican Party had a Chair with Moon’s depth of knowledge and breadth of legislative experience. The final evening of the weekend featured a formal Gala with dancing and live music as an affordable option to the very expensive Governor’s ball. Well attended by grassroots members, the Gala may become a regular fixture of future meetings. Dorothy Moon’s influence is a welcome breath of fresh air.
Mark Fuller is the IDGOP 2nd Vice Chair, and lives in Idaho Falls
Dorothy Moon will be the best person to lead the Idaho GOP to greatness- I am thrilled and honored to work with her!
Another idea would be to base the number of eligible county delegates on the proportion of paid dues. 100% dues paid then 100% of that county's eligible delegates attend the state convention. 50% dues paid then the number of eligible delegates are cut in half. :)