No, I Don't Want to Repeal the 19th
Bad faith actors are making hay out of this so I suppose I'll respond
One of my hobbies is trolling on social media. As a terminally-online Millennial who has been on the internet for 25 years, I enjoy mocking certain pretensions. Sometimes it has a purpose - I often play devil’s advocate to provoke discussion on some interesting topic or another - while other times it is merely for entertainment. Nearly two weeks ago I posted a joke on Twitter in reply to another user and the left-wing ankle-biters have latched on for dear life:
As you can see, the leftist trolls got some mileage out of it - nearly twice as many views as the original tweet. Just in case anyone is wondering, I will state for the record that I do not support repealing the 19th Amendment and removing the ability of women (that is, adult human females) to vote. Note that I didn’t even say that in the tweet, rather I simply recognized the fact that any woman who would defy the hive mind and say such a thing is certainly worth attention!
Opponents of my employer, Idaho Freedom Foundation, found the tweet and spread it around their circles, trying to discredit both IFF and me personally. I have mostly ignored them, though I recognize that I should be a bit more careful with my internet trolling going forward. Statements made in jest can easily be weaponized by bad faith actors, and we all know that leftists are more than willing to take things out of context if they think they can use it to hurt their enemies.
The worst offender, and the reason I decided to address the issue, might be someone named Sawyer Crenshaw in something called the Mountain Home News. He wrote a pathetic editorial accusing the right of hating women - as if he could even define what a woman is. He first accused IFF of being "essentially a fascist organization," which is patently false and ridiculous, and then he claimed that I wrote both tweets in the screenshot above. Someone who gets such basic and obvious facts wrong has no business writing for anything, even if it’s some two-bit rag nobody reads.
Seriously, I would feel tremendous shame and embarrassment if I got such a basic fact wrong on my own platform.
Now what Mr. MacDonald said in the original tweet is obviously true - polls clearly show that most women tend to vote Democrat. It’s a simple fact. Donald Trump, believe it or not, won a majority of white women in 2016, and this was such an outlier that it generated a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in left-wing media. Interestingly enough, polls show that marriage is actually a greater predictor of voting patterns than sex - married men and married women tend to vote Republican while single men and single women overwhelmingly support the Democrats.
Perhaps we should amend the Constitution to only allow married people to vote.
(That is also a joke.)
In any case, why would I ever want to disenfranchise some of the most solidly conservative political figures in our state? Idaho would be tremendously worse off without Dorothy Moon, Priscilla Giddings, Janice McGeachin, Heather Scott, Julianne Young, Tammy Nichols, and the many other incredible women who are fighting the good fight in the Gem State.
Something tells me that neither Sawyer Crenshaw nor the Twitter ankle-biters are very enthusiastic about these women though.
...why would I ever want to disenfranchise some of the most solidly conservative political figures in our state? Idaho would be tremendously worse off without Dorothy Moon, Priscilla Giddings, Janice McGeachin, Heather Scott, Julianne Young, Tammy Nichols, and the many other incredible women who are fighting the good fight in the Gem State.
...and so many others without well-recognized names who are fighting for liberty behind the scenes...
What passes for journalism and social media commentary is truly sad these days. Reporting is unserious, non-factual, lazy, biased, devoid of critical thinking, and mostly designed to get a rise out of people. This occurs on all sides, sadly.
For those who care about and want to identify and avoid bias, check out the sections on New Jersey Institute of Technology on media bias at (some links do not work, but it’s still a good resource).