Excellent assessments, as always. Thank you, Brian. I've been lucky enough to have met or watched videos of many of the candidates you recommend, and I appreciate your insights.

As a Republican PC, you understandably cannot endorse unaffiliated former-lifelong Republicans Ammon Bundy (Governor) and Scott Cleveland (US Senate). But as a conservative who fled a communist state hoping to Keep Idaho IDAHO, I *can* and *must* break party affiliations to help preserve liberty in Idaho. Many conservatives we have met during our canvassing activities share our sentiments.

We strongly endorse Ammon Bundy -- NOT Brad Little -- for Governor (https://www.votebundy.com/ and https://www.votebundy.com/issues/). We also strongly endorse Scott Cleveland -- NOT Mike Crapo -- for US Senate (https://www.clevelandforsenate.com/).

Neither Bundy nor Cleveland are funded or supported by corporatists, globalists, or big Pfarma; their opponents are. And both Bundy and Cleveland understand history, business, teamwork, and the Constitution -- plus they love freedom, America, and Idaho.

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I am with you, principles' matter and Little and Crapo are horrendous when it comes to fighting for conservative values. I am voting for Bundy and Cleveland too. Actually, when Brian wrote the article about Bundy and paralleled him with a Trump type candidacy, I agree. We need to throw the kitchen sink at these establishment Republicans who are allowing the left to eek out ground with their pandering moves that cost us all. I also want to stay away from IACI supported candidates, because that should be the mark of a sellout.

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Agree 10000% 🎯

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Something all devoted Republican supporters will have to consider is the fact that liberal groups are talking about voting for Little over Bundy because they know Bundy is the true conservative. The “GOP Hates America“ group is one example. Should the Republican Party keep providing blanket support for RINO candidates who enjoy the benefit of their blind endorsement plus the liberals’ endorsement? I cannot understand how so many in your position keep saying your hands are tied and you can only endorse those with the R affiliation. Maybe if you feel like you can’t endorse candidates outside of the party, the very least we can expect from the Idaho GOP is a challenge of these candidates. Come out and actively disavow Little and Crapo. Otherwise, how do we hold R’s accountable?

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The issue here is that we have a primary system where Republican voters choose the Republican nominees. Are there issues with Democrats switching their affiliation to meddle in our primary? Definitely, and the party is looking at ways of addressing that. Are there issues with incumbents and IACI-backed candidates enjoying a huge electoral advantage? Sure, and I want to address that in the future as well. But if Republican officials and PCs simply ignore the primary results, then what's the point of it all? I don't support people like Fred Martin and Patti Ann Lodge throwing their support to a Democrat because they didn't like the results of the primary, so by that same token I don't believe it would be fair to throw my full support behind independent candidates who are challenging nominated Republicans.

That said, of course, your vote is your vote, and I hope the perspective I have given helps you to make a good choice.

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Thanks for the help Brian!

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