Oh, I beg you, please Brian. NO!!! Idaho Chooses Life has spent decades building a solid, broad-based pro life consensus in Idaho. That consensus, as alien and strange as the idea is to you, is why Idaho is a pro life state. True believers exist in every state in America. What Ripley has done, painstakingly, is expand beyond the base to enlist every flavor and variation on the sanctity of life, unifying a solid 65% of Idaho, a stat that is the envy of the national pro life movement. Your attack on Idaho Chooses Life is an attempt to do to that organization what you’ve done with the Idaho Republican Party - divide it, break it up, fractionalize it, ultimately reducing it to a tiny shadow of the political strength David Ripley has fought so tirelessly to create. NARAL will be so proud of you! The things you will do for power know no moral bound.

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Not surprised to see you here defending politicians who support child gender mutilation, Trent. Disappointed, but not surprised.

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Dishonest reply? Truly saddening. Ripley is no elected official and doesn’t have anything to do with child mutilation. And HE is the only person defended, you know it and anyone who reads my comment will see that without obfuscation. I’m tempted to cancel my subscription if you continue dishonesty this blatant. Good wine comes not from corrupt vessels.

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I appreciate your support but I'm not going to mince words. ICL chose to donate the max to one of the few Republicans in Idaho who refused to stand up for children. That is inexcusable and completely at odds with the organization's stated purpose.

I think you see certain institutions - the old guard GOP, IACI, ICL, various lobby groups - through rose colored nostalgia glasses. David Ripley's testimony is not the issue here, nor any past work he and his organization has done. They passed a reasonably good bill; I probably would have voted for it if given the chance. But then they turned around and dishonestly attacked legislators whose pro-life convictions were even stronger, and now they're giving money, support, and most of all, the pro-life stamp of approval for legislators who did not protect children. That needs to be called out, and someone has to do it.

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Let me add, Trent, that you clearly have no problem calling people out. You have no problem accusing people of being dishonest, power-hungry, unscrupulous, etc, as this very exchange demonstrates. I urge you to apply the same strict heuristic to your side, the people you consider allies. Would they survive the same standards to which you hold me, Dorothy Moon, Brent Regan, IFF, and others? ICL attacked someone I consider a very good pro-life candidate - is that not the very "division" you decry? You and your friends are raising money to take control of the Idaho GOP - is that not the very thirst for power you decry?

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Calling a tree a “tree” is curt honesty. Calling a tree “kindling” is a judgement that requires further proof before it should be accepted. When you say I “defended a politician who voted the wrong way,” when in truth I talked of no one with a vote . . . I called that dishonest because it is. When you say my motive is to defend the establishment (who want open primaries and NO PARTY) when my every word and action is contrary to that, I challenge your label as ad hominem.

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Thank you for the information. I watched the legislature this year and was so disappointed with the Republicans that voted with the Democrats over and over again. We must hold our representatives, precinct committeemen, and organizations accountable. No more blindly giving money just because they say they are conservative, longtime Idahoans, pro-life, or pro-family. Do they adhere to the Idaho GOP platform? That is the question.

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Agree that we all need to research more deeply, including adherence to GOP platform for candidates who claim the coveted capital R.

Check out the Idaho GOP Platform Rating (Legislators and Bills): https://idahogop.scorecard.limitedgov.org/lawmakers?state=ID

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Always well researched, refreshing, and wise rhetoric.😇🇺🇸

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