Yesterday afternoon, FBI agents exercised a search warrant and raided Donald Trump’s private home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
Apparently they were looking for certain classified documents. It doesn’t matter. The fact is that the Democratic Party is using federal law enforcement to attack their political enemies. This is something out of a banana republic, or Soviet Russia, or the last days of the Roman Republic when Marius and Sulla used senatorial authority to execute each others’ supporters. This is just the latest escalation in a continued assault on the laws of our nation ever since the Biden regime was installed more than eighteen months ago.
Make no mistake, this is an escalation. The left was apoplectic when Trump said that he would prosecute Hillary Clinton if he won in 2016, but rather than following through he demurred, deciding that democratic norms prevented him from using the power of the state to go after his opponents. The left has no such qualms.
Once again, Alex Jones was the canary in the coal mine. In 2018, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook banned Mr. Jones, and a lot of Republicans shrugged. He had a reputation for making outlandish statements, so some thought he deserved whatever he got. Then in 2021 Twitter banned Donald Trump.
Just last week, a DC jury ordered Jones to pay nearly $50 million to the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting. Jones suggested many years ago that the shooting was faked, though he repeatedly walked back those statements and apologized. But it didn’t matter. Once again, the deep state used Jones as a whipping boy, and once again too many conservatives did not realize that he was just the beginning. Trump might well face the same sort of show trial and stacked jury as Jones.
It it possible that the Democrats are doing this to prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024. Certain laws on the books make it illegal for someone convicted of certain crimes to hold office. However, the Constitution contains no such restrictions. These laws have never been tested at the presidential level - can you imagine a case before the Supreme Court over whether or not Trump is allowed to run for president? The outcome - no matter which way it goes - would be catastrophic for America.
I see some people suggesting that this is a sign of desperation from the left and the deep state, but I do not believe this to be the case. Like banning Trump from Twitter, like the January 6th show trials, this is about spiking the football. The left controls every lever of power in our society, and they are using them to crush their enemies - to crush us. They understand power in a much more visceral way than do most on the right, who still harbor thoughts of returning to a more civilized time in American discourse.
One positive reaction I am seeing from conservatives on social media is renewed support for Donald Trump himself. While there have been reasonable questions about whether or not he deserves a second term - his poor hiring decisions, his support for mass vaccination, his continued reliance on Jared Kushner and his ilk - watching him undergo this persecution only solidifies our belief that it is Trump or bust. I believe that Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida will someday be a great leader of what is left of America, but today nobody strikes fear into the hearts of the left and the deep state like Donald J. Trump.
Another promising development is the realization on the right that the FBI is entirely corrupt and beyond saving. I know some of the most ardent Back the Blue Republicans cling to the belief that most agents in the FBI are good and honorable public servants, and that replacing the leadership might suffice to save the organization. I am afraid that is not the case. The FBI has become an arm of the Democratic Party, nothing more and nothing less. I would love to hear from currently serving agents who disagree with the decision to raid the home of the former president yesterday.
Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini said that Florida needs to bar federal agents from acting in his state. “Sever all ties with the DOJ immediately,” he tweeted.

Congressman Paul Gosar of Arizona said, “We must destroy the FBI.”

Even Candace Owens said, “The FBI must be legally and formally dissolved.”

The milquetoast House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization.”
TP USA’s Benny Johnson said, “The Rubicon has been crossed.”

I am thankful so many recognize the gravity of the situation. A civilized republic does not simply come back from a moment like this. I honestly believe that this the unspoken dividing line between factions of the Republican Party. Many establishment figures assume that our current troubles are just a temporary bump in the road, and with the right candidates and policies we will be back to the pleasant times of 1955, 1984, or 2014 in no time. The more radical conservatives are those who believe that our nation is facing an existential crisis, and we need to take radical steps if we are to have any hope of saving it.
The left has just ratcheted up our national crisis, and they have no intention of stopping here. Prepare accordingly.
Brian, this is a wonderful piece that confounds me as to how you are reading my mail! It is undeniable that "beast' has infiltrated every aspect of our lives! I do nor know the rules of Substack however I would like to quote Naomi Wolf's article "Facing the Beast", if I may, as it sums up where I believe we all find ourselves: " Because the bear had been growing more and more comfortable emerging from the woods; he grew more and more comfortable exploring our trash and then he took over territory in exploring our lawn; he was “habituated” ultimately, as bear watchers say; he had ownership of the lawn and was circling the house to mark his territory. He was comfortable at last in stalking the homeowners.
He was here because — I had done nothing to stop him. He was here because I let him slowly take over our home.
My not being able to look directly at the bear did not make me any safer. My denial put me in greater danger.
Aside from the anxiety and stress of the reality of this metaphor, is the total bewilderment I have watching the "conservative/independent" representatives, are feeding and assisting in "habituating" the very beast that is long past sniffing our garbage but is already in "our very bodies"! It appears that they are completely neutered and have no ability to stop the "bear" other than to "hone their horns" and make a scary noise, which I might say only irritates the bear!.
All of the veiled threats, letters, lame duck congressional wrist slapping is becoming an obvious enjoyment to the current administration as it proves their point that they are unstoppable.
All that to say again, thank you for this piece. I pray that it, along with others, it will wake the masses into action other than keyboard strokes. As Dr. Seuss in "Oh The Places You'll Go". ...get your feet in your shoes, and get your shoes in the street!
Spot on analysis! The gloves are completely off at this point. Might as well take down the Stars and Stripes and make a new flag with with a giant banana on it to hoist over the Capitol.
The goal is to destroy this country, and indeed, the world; and then cast it anew into the dystopian feudal dream of eternal suppression of the masses (those that survive the death vax at least), and eliminate all freedoms and faith in anything other than THE STATE. They will not suddenly have a change of heart or be appeased by concessions.
What makes up 99.9% of elected or appointed people in the Republican party are either too feeble minded to grasp the reality of what is happening here, or are compromised and no more than controlled opposition.
There middle ground is gone. Many old adages from the past spring to mind. As a Christian, the ones from Scripture ring loudest for me…”Choose you this day whom ye shall serve”.
I still am not without hope, but the path through is likely laden with misery for many. God be with us all.