Now, on the other side of 2020 and being thoroughly red-pilled, my opinion of Assange has shifted. Once a villain, now I am not so sure. Just like my opinion of the medical community. Once trusted, now I am not so naïve.

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Again, an excellent, clear & concise historical account of government covert operations and how it affected citizens opinion of the “benevolence” of government. I’m 70, patriotic & conservative and understand that only truth & facts matter. Both are deliberately hidden from the public now via the global media propaganda machine. Journalism is nearly dead. Covid proved to anyone paying attention, that nothing & no one matters to the “deep state”, and that they have been, are and will continue to do anything necessary to gain and hold power. Anything at all. I’m extremely happy to see Assange might have a few years out of prison. But it’s not from kindness of US government or any other such romantic bullshit he’s now being released. There’s a specific purpose(s) for this that we can only speculate.

Our future is in the hands of the same kind of humans that created Covid with the Chinese via our tax dollars, locked us all down, forced us to be “vaxxed” to keep employment while threatening and accusing us of being conspiracy theorists, evil murderers for not wearing masks. The media called for denying medical assistance and openly wishing for our deaths, seething with anger.

Trust? Are you f’g kidding?!?

Never. Ever. All human decency is gone in this New World Order, one world government.

It’s here. Until the end.

Someone please correct me……

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Excellent article. Still the thing I’m wondering isn’t whether Assange is good or bad, but rather why he was released, by this (deep state run) administration, why now, and why not by Trump in 2020? The nefarious actors running the Biden administration never do anything because it’s right, and many of them have publicly said they want Assange dead or in prison for the rest of his life. It’s also not an issue that the Dem base cares about; there’s no political/election motivation. Are they just freeing him so he can be assassinated? I can’t see any logical and good reason for this move.

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🎯👏🏼. Yes, there is a reason and it has nothing to do with justice, truth or compassion. It’s a strategic move. Period.

Wray and Garland should be swinging…, those traitors know precisely what’s going on.

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This was the best explanation of the entire Ellsberg, Assange, Snowden story I've seen. Excellently done and greatly appreciated! Thanks for taking on this timely subject matter and helping us all to understand it better! Kee up the GREAT WORK!

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Tucker Carlson recently told Joe Rogan that Mike Pompeo threatened to jail Tucker if he revealed that the CIA played a role in the JFK assassination. As Tucker says, those who tell the truth are punished for it.

Assange is a hero.

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