Thank you for attending the convention and providing reports and updates. 👍🙂

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Thank you so much for this report, Brian. As I was reading, my reactions were many:

1. Your reports are invaluable. We’re lucky to have you on the beat!

2. Some in the Republican Party — we now know who they are, and it’s not you or Dorothy Moon — are acting like 7th graders squabbling on the playground dirt for control of the ball.

3. Sheesh and shame on those who distract and divert from the mission with their petty squabbles and power plays.

4. The childish actions of those you called out show just how unserious they are as people and representatives of the party.

5. Those trying to wrest power from the serious are why many so intensely dislike politics, refuse to play the game, and leave the party entirely to avoid guilt by association.

6. We all need a shower after hanging out with — or even hearing about — those who prefer dirty politics over their duty to help solve the dire problems facing our state, our country, and the world.

7. Squabblers and rule breakers: Look up, look down, look all around. It’s not all about you!

8. Delegates to this convention should read “The GOP Watches While Our World Is Destroyed” by Sam Faddis (AND Magazine, 06/12/24): https://andmagazine.substack.com/p/the-gop-watches-while-our-world-is

Again, thank you, Brian! I look forward to your next report and hope for more constructive future behavior from the 7th graders in the room.

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Thank you, Brian, for this report. I didn't get to attend this year, so I am looking forward to your reports. I know I will get the real story from you.

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All well and good.... now on to something that matters... what in the hell is going on with the decision to possibly deny water to Farmers all over the state where in many cases their crops are already in ground. If this decision stands... Farmers will lose $Millions and many long term family farms will be put out of business permanently... Where is Governor Little? Can ANYONE with some authority show some leadership here?

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This is a really complex issue that I'm still studying before I say much about. Bryan Hyde shared a good overview of it on his show today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BXuP7AJaUg

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