
Gem State Chronicle is published by me, Brian Almon, and does not represent the positions of any organization with which I am affiliated.

In September 2022, I was appointed trustee of the Eagle Public Library Board. Nothing I write here should be taken as the official position of the Eagle Public Library, its Board of Trustees, or of the City of Eagle.

In May 2024, I was elected chairman of the Legislative District 14 Central Committee of the Idaho Republican Party. Nothing I write here should be taken as the official position of District 14 or the Idaho GOP. I am speaking solely on my own behalf.

From January to September 2023 I was employed by the Idaho Freedom Foundation. From January to March 2024, I contracted with IFF to provide various services. Nothing I have written here represents IFF in any way.

From December 2023 to the present I have engaged in consulting work for the Idaho Freedom Caucus. Nothing written here represents the views of IDFC or any of its members, nor do they exercise any editorial control over this platform.

Starting in January 2025, I have been a contributing editor of Idaho Signal, a production of Citizen's Alliance of Idaho. Nothing written here represents the views of CAI, nor does anyone with CAI exercise any editorial control over this platform.

Responsibility for statements in guest editorials and letters to the editor lie solely with their respective authors. The Gem State Chronicle is pleased to provide an outlet for a wide variety of figures in the world of Idaho politics to share their own messages.

Any errors are solely my responsibility.