What we need is a latter-day Cincinnatus. I believe that Trump is that man.

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Trump is many things, but moral, humble, or self-sacrificing are not exactly his strong suits.

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This is a fantastic essay. As I was reading, I pulled out a distillation, just below. So the question we face is: How do we redirect the train? I don't have an answer.

=== My Notes from Brian's Quotes

The Durham report should be the nail in the coffin for the idea that our government is salvageable if only we elect the right president or pass the right law.

I don’t think there is a way for us to repair the damage they did to our nation. The duly elected President of the United States had no control over his own government, and thus the will of the people was thwarted.

How Obama Destroyed the Country's Peaceful Succession

Like third-world dictators, Obama was never shy about using his powers to elevate his friends while attacking his enemies. A president who abuses his authority over the law-enforcement and counter-espionage entities within his government to covertly attack his successor had zero precedent in American history. Yet tyrants use the same playbook every time.

In their lust for power, Barack Obama and the Democratic Party set us on a course for chaos, and there are no brakes on this train.


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The reward for treason is the rope. All whom touched any process of this treasonous act along the way need to swing. Big ears, hillery, all the way down to your neighbors that counted and lied about votes. They all need to swing. At some point enough is enough.

But the left, the communist, want a violent reaction in order to bring the full weight of the state down on patriots .

The bastards need to swing!

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. . . . fit only for a moral and virtuous people.

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