In my last newsletter I linked to an interview with Helena Kerschner, a young woman who spent years identifying as male and taking testosterone before returning from that madness. Today she is recovering, physically, emotionally, and spiritually from that ordeal.
I invite you to read her own story, which she posted on her Substack a few months ago:
As you read, keep an eye out for the cult-like tropes of the trans movement:
Helena fell in with an online community that convinced her to identify as trans, and to tell herself and others the lie that she was a boy trapped in a girl’s body.
Psychiatrists, school counselors, and Planned Parenthood never questioned Helena’s declaration that she was trans, but encouraged her every step of the way.
Helena faced tremendous pressure to conform to the trans community’s image, and when she decided to detransition she faced ostracism and anger instead.
Helena’s parents had no idea how to deal with what their daughter was becoming.
This last point is important. Parents in the 2010s had no idea what their children were being groomed into, but you and I do not have that excuse. Being forewarned is forearmed. We must do a better job of protecting our children from the deadly influences in this world - online communities, social media influences and entertainers, and even public schools.
Helena’s story, like the stories of so many other young women and men just like her, is a dire warning of what we are up against. Take it to heart and gird yourself for the battles ahead. As I said, this is not just a war for our culture, but for the souls of our children and grandchildren.
She now is what God made her. A happy female. God bless her.