Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
By now you should fully understand how the Marxist left wishes to transform our society. Philosophers in the Frankfurt School crafted Critical Theory as a way of applying the Marxist economic worldview, which divides people into two groups - oppressors and oppressed - to society at large. Diversity/Equity/Inclusion and Critical Race Theory use racial differences to attack our culture, but as bad as that is, it is not nearly as pernicious as the way in which Marxists attack biology itself in the service of their revolution.
Fair warning: This piece will be long, and it will be disturbing. But such knowledge is necessary for the battle we are in. (If your email client does not load the entire post you can find the whole thing at
When future Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson could not answer the question What is a woman? during her confirmation hearing, it was not because of basic biological ignorance, rather she was publicly pledging her allegiance to a new religious dogma that is attempting to subvert the natural order. Just as The Party in Orwell’s 1984 required its subjects to agree that 2 + 2 = 5, the new woke order demands we acquiesce to their statements that sex and gender are fungible social constructs.
They are not trying to convince us of this absurdity through logic and reasoned arguments, but through sheer force. You see, the purpose of absurd lies such as 2 + 2 = 5 or gender is a spectrum are not to convince us, but to break us.
In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
Theodore Dalrymple, Our Culture, What’s Left Of It
Leftist activists as well as naive useful idiots on the right will say that the LGBTQ+ agenda is all about compassion and tolerance, but in reality it is a century-long plot to destroy the family, which is the foundation of every great civilization. Dr. James Lindsay, diving into the deep history of Cultural Marxism, explains that the original sex ed was created by a Hungarian Marxist named György Lukács with the express purpose of dismantling the nuclear family. In the 1980s and 90s, activists infiltrated public schools with sex ed programs by claiming they were necessary to prevent the spread of HIV, STDs, and teen pregnancy. This was the camel’s nose, but today the entire camel is in the tent as schools teach children about homosexuality and transgenderism using terms that would have made a sailor blush a century ago.
The purveyors of so-called Queer Theory are full of hatred for nature and for God. They despise the fact that men and women are binary and that heterosexuality is normal. They abhor the idea of childhood innocence. Whereas traditional Americans believe that children should be protected from explicit sexual imagery and ideas until they are old enough to understand them, Marxist groomers say that this is just our way of normalizing a cisheteronormative worldview. They believe that children must be exposed to explicit materials and ideas at as young an age as possible so that they can understand their own queerness.
They really are groomers!
You might think this is hyperbole, but it really is not. Dr. Lindsay explains that the Marxist true believers have an implicit understanding with outright pedophiles; they will work together to tear down the family structure and in return the pedophiles get as much access to children as they want. They will deny this, of course, but the proof is in the pudding. The great Twitter account Libs of TikTok exposed a Hawaiian middle school teacher last week who had accused conservatives of projection regarding our accusations of grooming but who was himself arrested for raping a 13-year-old boy.
Dr. Lindsay recently recorded a set of podcasts in which he read and commentated on an essay by radical lesbian activist Gayle Rubin called Thinking Sex. Written in 1984, this paper is considered the beginning of the queer movement. Ms. Rubin does not even make it two paragraphs before denouncing laws against child pornography. When sex ed apologists try to claim that it is only about education or compassion (remember the motte and bailey argument!) consider that the foundational paper of queer theory explains in plain English that sex ed should be used to create queer children and dismantle the nuclear family.
Defenders of Drag Queen Story Hour make the same claims. “It’s just innocent fun,” they say. “You’re the one who is sexualizing it!” Yet Dr. Lindsay recently shared another paper called Drag Pedagogy, this one written just a year ago by a Canadian university professor along with a drag queen who performs under the name Lil Miss Hot Mess. This paper explains, once again in plain English, how the purpose of drag queen story times is to introduce children to queerness:
The drag queen issue has become the latest flashpoint in this war for our culture. Leftists are pushing these disgusting activities into libraries and grade school classrooms, feeling joy at the idea of exposing our children to transgressive ideas. Even worse are the parents who cheerfully subject their children to these spectacles, comforted with the thought that they are on the right side of history.

As an aside, is it not strange that the left celebrates drag queens - generally homosexual men who use makeup and clothing to present themselves as caricatures of women - while denouncing blackface? It goes to show where women stand on the intersectional hierarchy, doesn’t it?
The absolute worst part of the LGBTQ+ agenda is the epidemic of young people who are starting to identify as transgender and non-binary. There is a phenomenon called social contagion, a fancy term for peer pressure, that explains so-called crazes in groups of people. In the 1980s, media coverage of celebrities with eating disorders fueled an epidemic of teen girls who became anorexic and bulimic. Today, more than 20% of Generation Z identifies as some brand of LGBTQ+.
As I wrote in the previous post, white children especially are told from preschool that they are guilty of the original sin of racism, that the color of their skin stains them irreparably. After years of this abuse, white children are presented with the opportunity to move up the intersectional ladder by identifying as nonbinary. Schools present the idea of LGBTQ+ as being exciting and different, bringing in entertainers and influencers who extol the virtues of being queer, using literal peer pressure to convince children that this is what they really are.

Abigail Schrier’s Irreversible Damage is required reading for all parents, especially of girls. She describes case after case of teen and preteen girls who, at the most awkward time of their lives, are convinced by peers, teachers, school counselors, psychiatrists, and social media influencers to identify as trans or non-binary:
Transgender influencers coach other adolescents on how to wheedle a testosterone prescription from a skeptical clinician. They advise teens to study the DSM diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria and prepare a pat story about how they “always knew” they were trans. They tell you to claim that you’ve felt this dysphoria for a very long time. They convey the urgency of transition—if you don’t do it now, you never will. You’re already at high risk for suicide.
Abigail Schrier, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
When their naive parents ask what to do, they are told to go along with their daughter’s desire to go by a boy’s name, to bind her breasts, or to take male hormones. They are always warned that to not do so is a literal death sentence for their daughter, who will surely kill herself if not accommodated. “These are all temporary measures,” they say, that can be rolled back if the child changes her mind. But as Ms. Shrier discovered in her research, once children start down the trans path, it is very hard to deviate.
Trans influencers and peers love bomb them, just like in a cult initiation, and anyone who detransitions is ostracized, denounced, and attacked with the most hateful rhetoric. YouTuber Tim Pool recently hosted a long interview with a young woman named Helena Kerschner who, after several years of identifying as male, rejected the transgender ideology and resumed her natural state. She explained the pressure to identify as trans as a teenager, the hatred and threats she still receives from the LGBTQ+ community, and the permanent scars that her transition left on her body.
The truth is that gender dysphoria is a serious psychological illness that should be treated in the mind, not the body. If a man identifies as one-armed, society does not expect doctors to remove a perfectly healthy appendage so as to make his body match his mental self-image. If a white woman identifies as black, then society does not approve of her weaving her hair, getting a tan, and joining the NAACP. Yet boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys, are encouraged to permanently alter their bodies, often even before reaching puberty.
Ironically, this is a complete turn from where progressive feminists were in the 1990s. Back then we were told that toys have no gender, that girls who play with trucks can still be girls while boys who play with dolls can still be boys. Today, such play is taken by eager counselors and Munchausen-by-proxy parents as prima facie evidence of transgenderism. A three-year-old boy who plays with dolls runs the risk of being made to identify as a girl by a mother who craves intersectional validation.
Even if parents decline to go along with the pressure, schools are more than willing to assist children in the transition process behind their parents’ backs. Some schools have established special closets full of opposite gender clothing for children to change into when they arrive in the morning. This includes breast binders for girls and special underwear so boys can tuck their genitals. Some schools have policies to call children by their preferred opposite gender names at school while using their real names in communications with parents. The activists and administrators who support these programs see parents as the enemy and actively drive division in families. Remember that Florida’s controversial bill this spring simply prohibited teachers and school officials from having sexual conversations with students without their parents’ knowledge, yet this was a hill that the Marxist left was willing to die on. Why? Because they really are grooming our children.

The LGBTQ+ lobby showers vulnerable young people with constant messages that being queer is good, and necessary for expressing their true selves. The usual awkwardness of puberty, which every adult knows is only temporary, is cast as evidence that a young person is really transgender. Dissenting opinions are not permitted - anything critical of the LGBTQ+ agenda is called hateful and censored. Hormones and sex change surgery, now often called gender confirmation surgery or gender affirming care, are cast as the answer to all problems of identity. Read any Twitter thread discussing the drawbacks of hormones and surgery and you will find countless comments affirming them as necessary and positive.
These hormones are bad. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones interfere with normal development, but they do not turn boys into girls and girls into boys, rather, they keep them in a permanent state of childhood. Girls on testosterone become hairier and more aggressive, but they still have smaller feminine bodies, while boys on estrogen and other female hormones can develop breasts but still retain their stronger bone structure and density. Hormones and puberty blockers often leave their victims permanently sterile, contrary to the claims of LGBTQ+ activists who say they are entirely temporary.
Surgery is even worse. Activists rarely discuss the details, because they know that most people would be properly disgusted if they knew what really happens. Girls have their breasts removed, sometimes before adulthood, leaving permanent scars on their chests. Doctors can also mutilate their genitals by using skin grafts to fashion the clitoris into a ghastly imitation of a penis.
With boys, doctors remove the penis and testicles, leaving a gashing wound in a grotesque imitation of a vagina. This wound must be constantly dilated lest it heal and ruin the illusion, and I am told the smell of blood, feces, and decaying flesh never goes away.
Forgive me for sharing such gruesome imagery, but I believe it is important to know exactly what the euphemisms are covering up. This is what they want for your children. This is what they are trying to stop us from banning.
The family is the foundation of every great civilization. Marxists learned long ago that tearing down civilization requires destroying the family. Queer Theory is just one more tactic to that end. LGBTQ+ indoctrination serves that goal twofold: first by driving a wedge between parents and children, and second by creating an entire generation of young people who have been irreparably and irreversibly damaged.
Civilization is built upon the family: father, mother, and children. This is the basic building block of community, of society. Queer theorists hate this fact. They hate God and nature. They believe that childhood innocence is something we made up to oppress queer children. They believe that exposing children to degenerate ideas and materials is not destroying their innocence, as we believe, but it is necessary for awakening their latent queerness.
They are literally grooming our children, both in the service of their evil desires as well as their larger goal of resetting our society based on a Marxist worldview. This is a war not only for our culture, but for the souls of the next generation. The removal of traditional conservative and Christian values from the public square left a vacuum that Marxist pedophiles were only too happy to fill. We must take control of school boards and school administrations so as to keep this rot away from our children.
But that battle will take time, during which millions of American schoolchildren are still being hammered with evil and disgusting Marxist propaganda. Are you willing to sacrifice your own children to the queer activists while we are fighting? Everything I have said in this piece, and in others, is happening now in a public school near you, even in Idaho. All I can say is get your children the Hell out of there now!
Brian, Thank you for being courageous enough to publish this work. Most people, unless they come out of the entertainment industry, are, for the most part, unaware of the mental, emotional and the physical destruction that is taking place. Because I am from an older generation that did not have "tolerance" for openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (or queer), or todays sanitized version, LGBTQ+, I was able to keep all 5 of my grown kids free from assault. My 5 kids have managed to shelter my 10 grandkids this far. Please allow me to apologize in advance to anyone that is triggered by my comments. I believe that using the common initialism of lgbtq+ etc. further clouds the reality of what is being presented to us all.
Thank you for taking a public stand! I stand with you!
After nearly 6 months, I finally got the courage to read this article. It should be posted in every library, every school, and should be required reading for every parent.
At this point, our best hope is to dismantle the public library and public school systems. These systems are unfixable because the infiltration is so wide and so deep. We must empower parents to make their own decisions for their own children. And we must STOP funding institutions whose primary goal is to destroy our culture.
Your paragraph below about treating gender dysphoria as a psychological illness is especially telling:
If a man identifies as one-armed, society does not expect doctors to remove a perfectly healthy appendage so as to make his body match his mental self-image. If a white woman identifies as black, then society does not approve of her weaving her hair, getting a tan, and joining the NAACP. Yet boys who want to be girls and girls who want to be boys, are encouraged to permanently alter their bodies, often even before reaching puberty.
Your courage and clear writing are just what's needed in an age of insanity. Thank you!