Brian, thank you for this unvarnished piece. I believe that it is fair minded, fearless "keepers of the watch" that are unrelenting on their reporting on the radical left that will have the biggest impact on keeping Idaho mostly red. Reading your piece brought me back to a time in my life that I was living in another state that was known for its conservative leadership and ideals. I know, it seems laughable that California, the cesspool it is today was the home of Ronald Reagan. I was in California since 1952. I watched the camel get his nose under the tent. Many worked hard to in my community to keep the ideals that made it a once great state. A state that has now become the epitome of raunch and homelessness.

What worries me most is the resemblance of the "25%-75%" blue to red ratio here in Idaho and the 50%-24% blue to red ratio in California. With the "pride festival" being supported by the biggest and most powerful businesses and employers in the state, along with CRT being taught in schools, the Largest medical provider developing a not so under the radar trans "etcetera" care/sex reassignment surgery center, the Governor allocating millions under the guise of "education", It's beginning to look a lot like the more than the California camel has gotten under the tent here in Idaho. And it appears that it's being accomplished by old and established Idaho families, not the "you know who's" using the same tactics that has ultimately turned California into one of the bluest states in the nation.

I appreciate your clear and concise telling of the facts and I hope you inspire more like you.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, Mike! Thank you.

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The term "extreme" is completely relative and a matter of perspective. In Idaho, there can be no doubt which party is the more extreme one. Elections prove it year after year.

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Well done -- again -- Brian. Heaven help us if Brock and Ivie take District 14! As you pointed out, we must look at the candidates carefully. Study their positions. Read their websites but dig into what they DO NOT say. Ignore the mainstream press’s opinion and form our own based on research and facts.

Don’t be lazy, voters! Dig, dig, dig with the help of critical thinking like Brian has employed here. Prioritize our state, our families, and our country over any particular party or ideology. And think for ourselves once armed with the facts. Thank you, Brian, for helping us do that with the races you covered in this article.

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