I believe Ammon will be our next Governor because people are fed up with the system. Little failed during covid and refuses to address those failures. Denying his constituents the opportunity to see him debate his opponents should be red flag to any voter. He is handling this election like he did covid - issue a proclamation and ignore major issues. A debate honors the voter by going before them and explaining your platform. It’s a humble way of asking for a vote rather than telling voters to cast a vote for you. Sadly, the Idaho Republican Party is giving him their blanket endorsement bc he identifies as an R. They are putting on the Road Show and repeating the line, “vote republican, keep Idaho red.” Vote republican is no longer synonymous with vote conservative. So why this misleading statement? The Idaho Republican Party must be challenged on this. Dorothy needs to redirect the messaging to encourage voters to research the issues and vote conservative. I know this is difficult when she has candidates in her party that refuse to debate, but now is the time for accountability.
Yes, Ammon Bundy IS the best hope for Idaho. Not later, but now. Otherwise, Idaho is destined to become another CA, WA, OR, CO, and other states that used to be conservative but now are overtaken by leftist ideologies, leftist government actions, and resulting problems of crime, homelessness, exploding budgets, and hopelessness. Look at the actions of tyrannical governors of these aforementioned states to see just how important the governor's role can be. Look at what Brad Little did during COVID!
Many people have fled from leftist states to Idaho, not knowing how "blue" the management and especially its governor have been. If not for the brave conservative citizens of Idaho, the state would not be as free as it is now. But the leftist blue winds are blowing as hard as they can, and Idaho needs a governor who can resist them.
Ammon Bundy is often labeled as an extremist. No, Bundy is not an extremist. But he IS extreme: EXTREME for liberty, parental rights, property rights, Constitutional rights, and natural human rights!
Ammon Bundy lives his principles every day, not just for himself but for others -- often at great personal risk. Wouldn't you want someone like him to stand for all Idahoans in what surely is our 1776 moment?
Bundy is much more principled than Trump ever was. His decisions are carefully-reasoned, deeply researched, and internally consistent. He may be inexperienced as a politician, but he has run successful businesses, organized teams, and done so much more than simply landed himself in jail as many would have you believe.
You can learn about Ammon Bundy's stand on more than 100 issues in one convenient place on his website (see links below). Unlike the current governor, Ammon Bundy is transparent about all his positions. So everyone should just stop listening to what others say ABOUT Bundy and research him for yourself. Watch his many townhalls and videos, and meet him in person. Bundy and his supporters really are salt-of-the-earth patriots who love America and Idaho.
Conservatives should remind themselves WHY they are conservative and remember that the ballot is secret. No one will know you voted for Bundy -- except YOU and perhaps the generations of Idahoans and Americans who will thank you. Let's allow freedom to go viral -- starting with Idaho and spreading throughout our country.
With Governor Ammon Bundy and Attorney General Raúl Labrador working as a team, Idaho can be a shining example of peace, prosperity, and liberty for America. It takes just a few careful marks on your ballot on November 8 to make this happen. We must NOT choose tyranny over freedom.
I definitely appreciate your passion, and I agree on a lot of what you say. Just keep in mind that if Bundy loses on November 8, the sun still comes up on November 9, and the fight for liberty continues.
A good column Brian, and I agree with some of your analysis but disagree with most of your examples. First, don't blame the governor (you didn't actually) for the arrests in Moscow - blame every pastor and every congregation in the state. The governor can neither close nor open churches - there is a wall of separation. The FACT that churches closed is on them. Every church, every pastor, every congregation should have held church. That would have ended that! I think they were cowards and they lost my respect.
The civility and order of our system of government requires some give and take. Go to the restroom in an airport and find that it is closed for cleaning we don't pee on floor and become a cult hero. I take my dog to our Eagle dog park, if it is closed I go somewhere else. If I think it is wrongly closed I'll call Parks and Rec, the mayor, city councilors, but I won't jump the fence. Sarah Brady is no hero and no example, she is just a woman who threw a hissy fit in the airport and peed on the floor.
And Mr. Bundy is no Donald Trump. Trump had the class and respect for us to take his primary campaign and message to us - the voters. He fought his way through the Republican primary and beat quality opponents to win the nomination. Bundy hid behind his roller chair and wouldn't face Ed Humphreys or Janice McGeahin in a primary fight, nor Brad Little. He is simply a self-promoting egoist with no record of accomplishment. He is certainly no Donald Trump.
Thanks Mike, I always appreciate your insight. You hit on my whole premise - how you view the issues related to the lockdown as well as Bundy's actions over the past eight years determines how you will vote. I have friends on both sides, who view the same things through very different lenses.
Something that I find really interesting is how quiet the media has been on the Bundy vs Little race. I haven't seen a single poll, or even coverage of their relative placement. Is this because Bundy is just something we just talk about, but is not a serious contender, or is it because Little and the establishment knows that it is in trouble, and doesn't want to give ANY free press? Here in Boundary County, the number of Bundy signs is quite impressive, and I have yet to see a single Little sign. This was similarly true of McGeachin in the primary, and I believe she actually won this county. I somewhat expect a similar result in the general.
I still haven't decided who I will vote for; I find most of Bundy's positions difficult to disagree on, and his anti-feds past is certainly not a hinderance to me, but like others, I find something oddly disingenuous about him and I can't put my finger on it. McGeachin was as radical as he was on many issues, and she whole heartedly got my primary vote.
The "Sunday uncensored" TimCast episode which went up today with him was absolutely fascinating, and his comment right off the bat was something I'm still stewing over: "My biggest lesson learned was that our rights are not maintained in courts or at the ballot box, they are maintained on the grounds on which they were won". Given his history, this conclusion makes sense, and no doubt we are all just a bit naive about how quickly things can go south with the federal government.
I see Ron Desantis as a governor who is successfully, and very cleverly, taking the Federal Government to task within the bounds of the law; I guess am a bit concerned about Bundy going outside the law a bit too quickly.
On the flip side, I see Little doing the absolute minimum to stand up to the federal government, and is doing little to nothing on the state side to bend the needle toward more limited government. I would have preferred to see the budget surplus used to make Idaho less dependent on Federal funds, or I would have preferred to see it used as a means to reduce taxes. Instead, the state will continue to take just as much as it always has, and deign to give some back to us when it so chooses. That is fundamentally contrary to the way that a conservative, liberty minded government should work. His silence on cultural issues is similarly shameful.
This is my dilemma with only a few weeks to sort it out. I am, however, grateful to have options!
One of the best articles yet on the governor's race. Fair to both sides. Doesn't hide from the serious issues. Would like to point out that Little via Idaho's Heath & Welfare Dept has also spent hundreds of thousands on trans/pride ideology promotion. They give single gay men the privilege of fatherhood via adoption through their foster system. Kids deserve both a mother and a father. These policies are inconsistent with conservative policy, the Republican platform and the Idaho Constitution.
I believe Ammon will be our next Governor because people are fed up with the system. Little failed during covid and refuses to address those failures. Denying his constituents the opportunity to see him debate his opponents should be red flag to any voter. He is handling this election like he did covid - issue a proclamation and ignore major issues. A debate honors the voter by going before them and explaining your platform. It’s a humble way of asking for a vote rather than telling voters to cast a vote for you. Sadly, the Idaho Republican Party is giving him their blanket endorsement bc he identifies as an R. They are putting on the Road Show and repeating the line, “vote republican, keep Idaho red.” Vote republican is no longer synonymous with vote conservative. So why this misleading statement? The Idaho Republican Party must be challenged on this. Dorothy needs to redirect the messaging to encourage voters to research the issues and vote conservative. I know this is difficult when she has candidates in her party that refuse to debate, but now is the time for accountability.
100% on target, SA!
Yes, Ammon Bundy IS the best hope for Idaho. Not later, but now. Otherwise, Idaho is destined to become another CA, WA, OR, CO, and other states that used to be conservative but now are overtaken by leftist ideologies, leftist government actions, and resulting problems of crime, homelessness, exploding budgets, and hopelessness. Look at the actions of tyrannical governors of these aforementioned states to see just how important the governor's role can be. Look at what Brad Little did during COVID!
Many people have fled from leftist states to Idaho, not knowing how "blue" the management and especially its governor have been. If not for the brave conservative citizens of Idaho, the state would not be as free as it is now. But the leftist blue winds are blowing as hard as they can, and Idaho needs a governor who can resist them.
Ammon Bundy is often labeled as an extremist. No, Bundy is not an extremist. But he IS extreme: EXTREME for liberty, parental rights, property rights, Constitutional rights, and natural human rights!
Ammon Bundy lives his principles every day, not just for himself but for others -- often at great personal risk. Wouldn't you want someone like him to stand for all Idahoans in what surely is our 1776 moment?
Bundy is much more principled than Trump ever was. His decisions are carefully-reasoned, deeply researched, and internally consistent. He may be inexperienced as a politician, but he has run successful businesses, organized teams, and done so much more than simply landed himself in jail as many would have you believe.
You can learn about Ammon Bundy's stand on more than 100 issues in one convenient place on his website (see links below). Unlike the current governor, Ammon Bundy is transparent about all his positions. So everyone should just stop listening to what others say ABOUT Bundy and research him for yourself. Watch his many townhalls and videos, and meet him in person. Bundy and his supporters really are salt-of-the-earth patriots who love America and Idaho.
Conservatives should remind themselves WHY they are conservative and remember that the ballot is secret. No one will know you voted for Bundy -- except YOU and perhaps the generations of Idahoans and Americans who will thank you. Let's allow freedom to go viral -- starting with Idaho and spreading throughout our country.
With Governor Ammon Bundy and Attorney General Raúl Labrador working as a team, Idaho can be a shining example of peace, prosperity, and liberty for America. It takes just a few careful marks on your ballot on November 8 to make this happen. We must NOT choose tyranny over freedom.
Learn more:
* Official Ammon Bundy Website: https://www.votebundy.com/
* Ammon Bundy on > 100 Issues (including Brad Little's actions): https://www.votebundy.com/issues/
* Bundy's Keep Idaho IDAHO Plan: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/
* News, Views & Upcoming Events: https://www.votebundy.com/news/
I definitely appreciate your passion, and I agree on a lot of what you say. Just keep in mind that if Bundy loses on November 8, the sun still comes up on November 9, and the fight for liberty continues.
Hoping for a good birthday present on 11/9.
A good column Brian, and I agree with some of your analysis but disagree with most of your examples. First, don't blame the governor (you didn't actually) for the arrests in Moscow - blame every pastor and every congregation in the state. The governor can neither close nor open churches - there is a wall of separation. The FACT that churches closed is on them. Every church, every pastor, every congregation should have held church. That would have ended that! I think they were cowards and they lost my respect.
The civility and order of our system of government requires some give and take. Go to the restroom in an airport and find that it is closed for cleaning we don't pee on floor and become a cult hero. I take my dog to our Eagle dog park, if it is closed I go somewhere else. If I think it is wrongly closed I'll call Parks and Rec, the mayor, city councilors, but I won't jump the fence. Sarah Brady is no hero and no example, she is just a woman who threw a hissy fit in the airport and peed on the floor.
And Mr. Bundy is no Donald Trump. Trump had the class and respect for us to take his primary campaign and message to us - the voters. He fought his way through the Republican primary and beat quality opponents to win the nomination. Bundy hid behind his roller chair and wouldn't face Ed Humphreys or Janice McGeahin in a primary fight, nor Brad Little. He is simply a self-promoting egoist with no record of accomplishment. He is certainly no Donald Trump.
Thanks Mike, I always appreciate your insight. You hit on my whole premise - how you view the issues related to the lockdown as well as Bundy's actions over the past eight years determines how you will vote. I have friends on both sides, who view the same things through very different lenses.
Something that I find really interesting is how quiet the media has been on the Bundy vs Little race. I haven't seen a single poll, or even coverage of their relative placement. Is this because Bundy is just something we just talk about, but is not a serious contender, or is it because Little and the establishment knows that it is in trouble, and doesn't want to give ANY free press? Here in Boundary County, the number of Bundy signs is quite impressive, and I have yet to see a single Little sign. This was similarly true of McGeachin in the primary, and I believe she actually won this county. I somewhat expect a similar result in the general.
I still haven't decided who I will vote for; I find most of Bundy's positions difficult to disagree on, and his anti-feds past is certainly not a hinderance to me, but like others, I find something oddly disingenuous about him and I can't put my finger on it. McGeachin was as radical as he was on many issues, and she whole heartedly got my primary vote.
The "Sunday uncensored" TimCast episode which went up today with him was absolutely fascinating, and his comment right off the bat was something I'm still stewing over: "My biggest lesson learned was that our rights are not maintained in courts or at the ballot box, they are maintained on the grounds on which they were won". Given his history, this conclusion makes sense, and no doubt we are all just a bit naive about how quickly things can go south with the federal government.
I see Ron Desantis as a governor who is successfully, and very cleverly, taking the Federal Government to task within the bounds of the law; I guess am a bit concerned about Bundy going outside the law a bit too quickly.
On the flip side, I see Little doing the absolute minimum to stand up to the federal government, and is doing little to nothing on the state side to bend the needle toward more limited government. I would have preferred to see the budget surplus used to make Idaho less dependent on Federal funds, or I would have preferred to see it used as a means to reduce taxes. Instead, the state will continue to take just as much as it always has, and deign to give some back to us when it so chooses. That is fundamentally contrary to the way that a conservative, liberty minded government should work. His silence on cultural issues is similarly shameful.
This is my dilemma with only a few weeks to sort it out. I am, however, grateful to have options!
One of the best articles yet on the governor's race. Fair to both sides. Doesn't hide from the serious issues. Would like to point out that Little via Idaho's Heath & Welfare Dept has also spent hundreds of thousands on trans/pride ideology promotion. They give single gay men the privilege of fatherhood via adoption through their foster system. Kids deserve both a mother and a father. These policies are inconsistent with conservative policy, the Republican platform and the Idaho Constitution.
I unapologetically support Ammon Bundy.