Brian, you have done absolutely brilliant detective work. Thank you!

Could Idaho's governor and IACI also be behind the take-down of gubernatorial candidate Ammon Bundy and Bundy's friend Diego Rodriguez?

We MUST dismantle the IACI machine. Wrenches anyone?

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Yikes, is this not illegal to setup a PAC that puts out complete false information? This seems so far over the line and shouldn't the AG look into this or is it too much of a political hot potato?

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There’s a logical flaw in this analysis, and that is the unproven claim that Nichols, Lenney, Zuiderveld and others are effective and persuasive advocates for personal liberty, so opponents of liberty wish to defeat them. The fact is these legislators are neither effective, nor persuasive. In fact, Lenney and Zuiderveld were stripped of committee leadership not for any conservative tendency, but for the liberal tactic of personal slander and flippant disregard for Senate Rules. True defenders of personal liberty desperately desire to see them replaced with more effective advocates. A “no“ vote on an agency funding bill is only helpful if accompanied by articulate argument demonstrating how the “no” vote enhances personal liberty, thus winning over the votes needed to send the bill back to be reworked. Grandstanders and panderers are plentiful and of little value.

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