Since when did it become a public service to provide pornography in libraries? Our taxes should not fund salacious materials for any age group, just as they shouldn't be used to fund abortions or unfounded wars.
Maybe it is time to eliminate public libraries. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting has argued for decades that it needed continued funding because it provided programs no one else did. That hasn't been true for many years. The same is true for public libraries. They don't provide reading materials that cannot be found on the internet or services that cannot be provided by private service organizations. They apparently do provide free, after-school "babysitting," but at what cost to society?
Since when did it become a public service to provide pornography in libraries? Our taxes should not fund salacious materials for any age group, just as they shouldn't be used to fund abortions or unfounded wars.
Maybe it is time to eliminate public libraries. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting has argued for decades that it needed continued funding because it provided programs no one else did. That hasn't been true for many years. The same is true for public libraries. They don't provide reading materials that cannot be found on the internet or services that cannot be provided by private service organizations. They apparently do provide free, after-school "babysitting," but at what cost to society?