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Well-explained, Brian. We must stop this terrible initiative — by whatever name Reclaim Idaho wants to call it. It’s bad enough that America’s election integrity is in question (and people are prosecuted for asking questions about it) and that last-minute media lies torpedo liberty candidates. Reclaim Idaho’s scheme surely will put the final nail in Idaho liberty’s coffin.

I'm not sure how this initiative can even make its way to the ballot because it addresses more than one issue (illegal in Idaho - https://ballotpedia.org/Single-subject_rule). The two issues are: (1) replace voter selection of party nominees with a top-four primary; (2) require a ranked-choice voting system for general elections.

The following addresses the ranked-choice voting (RCV) issue proposed for the general election. Simply put, RCV is more complicated, more partisan, and less transparent. The big question is how to educate in-a-hurry voters who cannot or will not understand the nuance, obfuscation, and long-term damage Reclaim Idaho is trying to inflict on one of the few remaining liberty-loving states in America?

One friend has created a black text on yellow background yard sign with the following text:





(You can find online resources for creating yard signs with this search: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=create+your+own+yard+sign&ia=web)

A bumper sticker or window sign could be effective as well!

STOPRCV.COM, mentioned on his sign, takes you to the website https://stoprcv.com/. There you will find more information and ideas, including three main reasons why Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) threatens our elections:

1. RCV is complicated for voters and election workers.

2. RCV encourages fringe candidates and radical splinter parties.

3. RCV is slow and relies on technology that many voters don’t trust.

What else can you find at https://stoprcv.com/?

* A petition to sign (on home page).

* Advice on how to stop RCV: https://stoprcv.com/research/how-to-stop-rcv

* News roundups and research: https://stoprcv.com/research

* Educational resources (policy papers and legislation): https://stoprcv.com/resources

* A model legislation document, with wording similar to what has already passed in Florida and Tennessee: https://cdn2.assets-servd.host/fair-votes/production/images/StopRCV-preemption.pdf

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