Excellent analysis, again, Brian. Unfortunately, I suspect two things are true:

1. Idaho will have to take Boise seriously because of the harm it causes to the entire state.

2. Voters probably will re-elect Mayor McLean or someone even worse for the citizens, just as the voters did in Chicago when they replaced leftist Lori Lightfoot with lefter-leftist Brandon Johnson.

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Too many folks don’t vote anymore and that needs to change.

I was at a customers house the other day in Boise and they had the local news on the entire day. Crap in crap out

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Boise is a big target for the corrupt, greedy, ideological corrupt groups, that say they just want to do good, but are in it to get rich and to have the feeling of power. Mayor McLean is all about money and power, and not the best interest of Boises future. There’s a lot in this manifesto (see link below) that is centered directly around the mayor and her cronies, getting richer and more power, without solving all the root problems. A lot of it sounds really good on the surface, but it’s just a good marketing, as it’s from the same playbook that is clearly ruining Portland, Seattle, San Fran, LA, etc. One of the biggest pieces of evidence highlighting her phony caring/tactics is that she doesn’t actually address the root issues. That’s the biggest red flag of all. If you really want to solve problems, you solve the problems, not symptoms. but she doesn’t want to solve problems. She just wants to get rich and be popular.


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