A principled Democrat statesman and patriot is better than an unprincipled, corrupt Republican in sheep’s clothing. It’s up to the people to research the motives and principles of those who seek office, looking beyond the party label next to each politician’s name.

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Another great piece Brian. In todays world, Frank Church would be a moderate Republican. He was instrumental in ending the Vietnam war by leveraging his chairmanship of the Senate committee on foreign relations. The Church Committee hearings produced results that were a warning to Americans post 9/11 if only we choose to hear them. Idaho could have had a Mt Rushmore of anti-war America First US Senators instrumental in shaping a responsible foreign policy…Borah, Church, and Risch who held the same committee chairmanship. Unfortunately Risch is no Lion and Risch is no statesman. He could have used his influence and chairmanship to support Trumps efforts to end the endless wars…but his spine was nothing more than a anchoring point for the military industrial complex and the war party.

Great piece Brian.

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Thanks Dan. I'm starting to see how Idaho has a principled legacy on both the left and the right. I'm waiting to see who steps up to take the mantle of that legacy.

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