this article is the perfect example of our need for you and your news letter. thank you

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I don't disagree with much of what you wrote Brian, other than your continual mis-aligning two words. "Republican and conservative." One is the other by definition and the other is not necessarily the one. Try your headline as such: "Mainstream Baptists team up with heathens against Christians." It doesn't work, as all Baptists are anti-heathen, and all Baptists are Christian. However, while all Christians are anti-heathen, not all Christians are Baptists (Venn diagrams will display this nicely).

Many of the "church wars" are due to "Christians" dividing the denominations (for politics think liberty, freedom, constitutional, dog, etc.) and starting their own - or worse...belonging to groups that criticize their church while remaining a member for show on Sunday. And to use their gym (for politics think vote in their primary."

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I know you're big on party unity, Mike. How would you explain Dade Phelan and a minority of Republicans collaborating with a unified Texas Democratic Party to impeach the Republican Attorney General?

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I am big on national unity and social unity. E Pluribus Unum - out of many, one. The GOP is a membership subset of that. We choose to join. I would not accept that division in my American Legion Post - nor would there be any, we are committed to common beliefs and goals, and none of us work in outside groups to undercut our Post. I would not accept that division in my (Army) Special Forces Association Chapter - nor would there be any, we are committed to common beliefs and goals, and none of us work in outside groups to undercut our Chapter.

The Texas impeachment is not mine to explain. In general I oppose impeachments - McClean, Little, Trump, whoever. My impeachment "bar" is far higher than most I have seen in contemporary times.

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I concur about the need for a much higher bar for impeachment.

That said, the division in the GOP is there, nonetheless....whether one wants to "accept" it or not. So here we are.

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You are right Heidi. All of these people who vote in our primary and at the same time are members of other anti-Republican groups need to leave, or eschew those other groups and actually become Republicans. The division only serves the Left.

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Brian is no Wayne Hoffman but these two seem to, like most others, stay in their lane about what they know and although one could appreciate this, there are times, when relying what others know outside of their comfort zone should be welcome and necessary if we truly care about what is happening. Keeping people between the "right and left" paradigm is not helpful and I would say is rather dangerous. As I mentioned in comments previously when they wrote about the library issue, although decoupling may be important, it seems to have been contained to the fact that if we vote republican or decouple the library from the ALA, it will solve our problems. - no mention ALA's admission of supporting the United Nations Agenda 2030. The problem with this understanding is that it is short-sighted when in one more easy step they could have exposed that the UN is in our back yard and that this garbage is not a conspiracy theory and that conspiracies exist and our running not only your country but the globe. I don't expect everyone to know what I study or even believe it but to at least consider it when people finally connect the dots. In other words, if we do not care enough to connect the dots why fight? Yet in keeping us between the sideboards of right and left, they even admit that there is a uniparty but don't mention it in those terms much less talk about who is running it. Make no mistake my friends, this country has been hijacked a long time ago and the party system is working together with all other elements toward our global enslavement. Anyone know that our Founders never wanted political parties? Why do we still want to fix our country but by doing what our Founders never wanted? Does anyone realize the party labels are backwards and that the parties were created to maintain division and that they have not only been infiltrated but the establishment GOP are actually not RINO's at all but Neoconservatives? Does anyone know how this happened? Why is it that no one in the party bothers to explain this to others in that party? Finally, with all due respect intended, and just for the sake of asking questions, how do we know if someone is legit or controlled opposition? If I had to guess, I would explain it this way: There are people that will say the truth for what it is regardless of opposition. There are those that may tell you part of the truth because they don't know better, to maintain legitimacy or to control the information. If people don't know better, they should be willing to rely on what others know (like we do with them) and if they are unwilling, they should at least suggest there may be more out there that they don't know and offer resources. If they prefer to control information, they may be no different than anyone else wishing to enslave their people. Did anyone know that not only Otter but Little both support Climate change? DO you know this is an admission of supporting the UN Agenda 21/2030? Yeah, let's try to step a bit farther outside of the party garbage people because no "good candidate" elected by the people that themselves don't know any better will fix our problems. If you are unwilling to consider what I said, just remember I said it.

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