Thank you for bringing this issue back to the forefront as we head into the next legislative session. Well said. I agree with everything you articulated. What happened in Ohio was appalling and show just how organized the pro-death machine is. My only questions: who in Idaho will be the person/group that we can rally around and support their organized efforts to oppose such evil? Perhaps Idaho Family Policy Center? We need a plan.
Thank you for bringing this issue back to the forefront as we head into the next legislative session. Well said. I agree with everything you articulated. What happened in Ohio was appalling and show just how organized the pro-death machine is. My only questions: who in Idaho will be the person/group that we can rally around and support their organized efforts to oppose such evil? Perhaps Idaho Family Policy Center? We need a plan.
I think IFPC will play a large role in fighting any attempt to legalize abortion in Idaho. They are the real deal.