Absolutely spot on, Brian. I've been writing and thinking about slow-boiling frogs 🐸🍲 for quite a while. Nudges abound. Media lies. Government lies.

The complacency of native Idahoans has been shocking to this relative newcomer, but not a total surprise given Idaho's big-business influence and its increasingly leftist education and library systems.

People must constantly question whether their own long-held beliefs have been altered. Are things what they seem? What more can I learn? Should I change my mind, hold fast, or move somewhere in between?

Question: When should you speak out against what's obviously wrong or immoral?

Answer: Always. Be respectful and factual but also passionate. If you upset family and friends, so be it. Silence is complicity. In the long run, your family and friends will be hurt if no one speaks up.

You offered some good suggestions for returning America and Idaho to sanity and solid values. Most important, we should talk to people -- newcomers and long-timers alike -- preferably in person. I recently had the opportunity to do just that at a gathering of longtime Idahoans as well as folks escaping here from Oregon and California. I warned them about our still mostly red state with blue management that is destroying our values and our future. Their eyes grew large in surprise. I urged them to stay vigilant and active, not just say "Whew, I'm here. Now I can relax."

The push for Idaho to become a blue state like CO, CA, WA, OR, NY, IL, and others is relentless and it involves big $$$ often from out-of-state: Rocky Mountain Heist on steroids. Watch the 45 min Rocky Mountain Heist video at https://www.freedomman.org/video/rocky-mountain-heist/ for an example of how this was done in Colorado and is being done here.

Whatever happened to "Question Authority?" We all must ask good questions and let the left (as well as the right) justify their positions with facts and logic. Often, they cannot. All they have are platitudes and ad hominem attacks.

As an example, check out this clip with Senator Kennedy of Louisiana relentlessly asking Litterman and Holtz-Eakin what it would take for the US to stop climate change by 2050: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLaByANKMWc (5 min 30 sec). Answers included TRILLIONS of $$$ in costs, unknown benefits, fuzzy (non-existent) science. In the end, all the guy on the other side had was: "We have to do it because we're all in this together!" and an admission that he did not believe in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or Jimmy Hoffa's death from natural causes.

We're in a very dark time in America and the world. Unfortunately, most Americans -- including Republicans -- are still too comfortable or lured by money, power, or even blackmail to realize or do anything about it. We must open our eyes before it's too late. Let's make the best of 1955 (or even 1995) become the new normal -- AGAIN.

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Thank you for modeling action that needs to be taken, and for unveiling the stunning reality in which we live here in Idaho. So many people move here because they believe it’s politically and socially safe. Where are they going to go when they discover it’s not? If we heed the call, we can reset normal and protect our communities.

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Certainly true of Idaho’s fast-growing (and rapidly culturally changing) urban and suburban centers. But one of the β€œdisconnects” I perceive among the conservative coalition is the view that the challenges of Meridian ate the same as the challenges of Malta. That premise has never been true.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene summed it up nicely by properly altering the adjective. We are not the "extreme right." We are "extremely right."

We just just have keep moving forward to prove that fact.

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It is frustrating as a newcomer to see how many of my former citizens of (insert Blue state here) are apathetic and ignorant of what is really happening.

Brian, following you has been my best source for Idaho politics and while sometimes the news is distressing to see how much more ground the left had gained each day, while getting help from elected GOP leaders is even worse. There is a divide in the GOP to fight the left and watching some of our elected establishment GOP leaders vote with the democrats is shocking besides raising my blood pressure. I love Dorothy Moon because she puts out statements and calls out the Benedict Arnolds. We truly have to vet candidates and support the IFF as much as possible since they seem to be the loudest voice on the right that speaks truth with facts.

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I am one of those blue state refugees who has recently moved to north Idaho. I am learning it is not the utopia we thought it was. It may be red, but it is transparently red not solidly red.

From my former state, I did not get involved with the Republican party because it was so moderate and weak. When I moved here, I quickly started attending the KCRCC to learn what is happening. To me, they are viewed as radicals, but they're not. They are trying to go back to true conservative values.

You are correct, citizens here, especially the "natives," need to wake up and do something. I hear a lot of negative talk about the new people moving in. They don't want us to change their area, but they don't realize it is no longer the area they think it is. Working with the Republican party - the group that follows the GOP platform - hopefully will help get things on the right track.

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great People must constantly question whether their own long-held beliefs have been altered. Are things what they seem? What more can I learn? Should I change my mind, hold fast, or move somewhere in between? <a href="https://stela-game.com">ktp168</a>

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