Well done, Brian. I'm also working on a letter to a bunch of folks about this. You'll be receiving a copy. I've incorporated some of your material and a link to this substack.

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These windmill 'projects' may be today's tea tax rebellion against an overbearing government. Best to study history, feds, to see what is possible in resistance if the rights of states are ignored and trampled.

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I agree entirely. This may be the defining issue we elected AG Labrador for. We all need to just say "no."

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Well articulated argument that every Idahoan should understand. This should be fought from every angle, and as a recent candidate for Governor said during his campaign, we really need to stop taking federal dollars. They screw up every state if we allow them to, because once they buy their way in with money, the state is no longer sovereign and becomes beholden to them. Scary stuff.

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At some point THE MEN in Idaho will say they have had enough of this shit.

Treat those that conspire this devilish project on Idaho as enemy invaders of OUR LAND and repel them.

When you break enough of their stuff they will eventually stop coming.

Its coming one best get ready for spicy times.

(In the mean time we are being invaded on our southern border.)

War is politics by other means. Ask me how I know.

Saber 7, out

Challis, ID/Amado, AZ

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Here is the letter we're sending to all the contacts Brian suggested ...

March 14, 2023

Dear Idaho Federal Legislators [adjust as needed]:

We urgently need your help to stop the remote federal government from inflicting Lava Ridge wind farm on current and future Idahoans. (Other proposed wind farm projects in Idaho also need to be stopped.) Benefits from the Lava Ridge project will mostly go to individuals and companies outside Idaho. But Idahoans will suffer many costs:

• Massive damage to the Minidoka National Historic Site.

• High risk of Snake River aquifer contamination or damage from blasting during construction of 400 turbine sites.

• Destruction of wildlife habitat on a grand scale, during both construction and operation. (Four hundred 740 foot tall turbines, hundreds of miles of new roads, high voltage transformers and overhead power lines, huge battery building,...)

• Deaths of large numbers of wild birds, some threatened or endangered, due to collisions with turbine blades.

• Enormous carbon footprint of wind turbine manufacture, transport, installation, and eventual disposal.

• Likelihood of project running out of money before completion, leaving Idaho with an unmitigated environmental disaster.

• Federal government assertion of absolute and unconstitutional control of Idaho land.

All this for an unreliable and hard to maintain supply of expensive electricity that could destabilize our power grid. See these links for more info about shortcomings of wind farms:



Thank you for your time and attention.

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