Thank you for posting about this!

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Would make a good Louis L'Amour title, too!

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Indeed a victory! These agencies MUST be set back to their proper roles.

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And a victory for appointing justices to the Supreme Court who stand firm that "no person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." On EPA's best day, the Sacketts owned duck habitat desired by the public. . . which means it still can't be "taken" without a fair process for compensation.

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Huge victory! Finally! One case won, so many more to go. So happy 😀 for this family.

I learned today that a government subsidy for Basque sheepherders to graze sheep on federal lands has continued since WWI -- yes, you got that war era right! The wool was used for long-ago soldiers’ uniforms, but We the People still pay for the wool they are no longer using. Another case of government out of control.

We must start from scratch with bare bones agencies that are set up ONLY as needed to perform the proper role of government. All other leech agencies need to go the way of the dodo.

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Off topic here, Tell me why we must suffer this? When will we say enough is enough and stop letting cultural enrichers into Idaho? Expel those that are slithering around now? It was not too long ago that these Four Fine “Young Adult” Amish Men would have been hanged in the town square. We need to bring back hanging.


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