Aug 30, 2022Liked by Brian Almon

Two wolves and one lamb deciding upon what's for lunch/

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Excellent analysis of the 8/29/22 Eagle Town Hall Meeting. I listened to the entire session.

Here is the link to the meeting for those who wish to listen: https://eagle-id.granicus.com/player/clip/1606?view_id=1&redirect=true&h=36c25ae9d370fe36bb065dfd8aa91fd1

Please go to the 3:03:17 timestamp: Two speakers for the silent majority…


I wanted to express my sadness at the verbal abuse the City of Eagle Mayor and Council received at the hands of my fellow citizens at the Town Hall Meeting. The verbal pitchforks aimed hard at the elected representatives as well as those in the audience who were collateral damage!

I was astonished at the rancor and blindsiding. I do not believe those angry folks are the majority, but certainly their opinions matter. Of course, elected officials absolutely should listen to all the people, but keep the context in mind so they don't succumb to their negativity.

Many speakers obviously had a political agenda, and every citizen (regardless of political persuasion) is being influenced by the incredibly bad things happening in our country and the world in general. Some folks are just trying to hold on to what they love, and I don't blame them for that, not one bit! But clear, critical thinking – not angry emotion -- must prevail.

Many speakers obviously came with their minds made up before ANYONE – including elected officials -- had all the facts. They wanted to vent, not listen and learn. Especially distressing were comments that unjustifiably nitpicked word choice ("will"). And at least one person shockingly said he did not care what the law says, instead insisting that Mayor and Council do what is wrong, illegal, and impossible for city officials with integrity: Either change the law (state issue!) or skirt it. NO! Another person made a veiled threat.

It's fine for people to disagree, and I certainly understand their suspicions of government after seeing what has happened in our country. We're losing it, and fast. But it's incredibly tragic that so many people are unable to recognize (and accept the existence of) elected officials’ integrity and love for their community when they see it.

I hope the Eagle Mayor and City Council will continue to advocate for the best long-term, mid-term, and short-term future for the City. Listen to the angry voices and make appropriate changes to plans and procedures; but know that many others are not speaking up due to fear, apathy, ignorance, or satisfaction.

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Thank you Brian for this clear analysis of the Eagle Town Hall meeting last night. Many kudos to the ability of the Mayor and Council to withstand the barrage of what appears to be a well constructed and formulated political attack. I particularly found it ironic that there were persons with signs calling for "free speech" while being seated at a free exercise of that very issue.

I believe that we here in the predominately conservative enclave of Eagle, are witnessing the ever-present "nudge" or "creep" of the progressive left at war with the very values that protect and allow the very behavior on display last night.

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Clearly you were at a different meeting than I was. For the record. The people speaking against the “proposed” shooting range are not part of SOS Eagle and we are not activists. We are residents in unincorporated Eagle speaking passionately in opposition to a “proposed” shooting range within firing range of our homes. We do not have a vote for the mayor or the city council because we are not within the city limits. Which is why we are frustrated that “our voices are not heard” because it’s true. We were exercising our right to free speech at a town hall meeting, which last time I checked is exactly what the meeting was for. We were not “verbally abusive” to anyone. Brian, it would have been nice for you to talk to us before slandering us and assuming we were some sort of activists.

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Thanks for reading! To respond to your last point first, I did not accuse anyone of being "verbally abusive." However, some of the speakers clearly had some anger in their statements. As to the charge of being activists, no, not everyone there was a card-carrying member of SOS Eagle, for sure. However, the organization is obviously using this issue for political purposes, and much of the testimony was clearly organized. I cannot speak to your own position - it was very hard to tell who was who from the video feed.

You're right that unincorporated county residents do not have a vote in the city, however your voices are clearly welcome - that is the whole point of meetings like the one on Monday night. I applaud you for exercising your free speech in such a manner. My only purpose with this piece was to highlight the disconnect between those who claim to be the vox populi when in reality they represent a distinct minority.

As for the issue itself, I am listening to both sides with an open mind. Mayor Pierce made a great point at coffee this morning (every Wednesday at 9am, open and free to the public, whether Eagle residents or not!) that people who oppose the shooting range should get involved with the process and, even if they cannot stop it, use their time and influence to make some compromises, some positive changes, rather than simply saying "no" and then getting grumpy that they did not get their way.

Once again, thank you for reading. I appreciate the dialogue.

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