This year’s election reaffirms my decision to move here from WA State 6 years ago. Following this election Idaho moved further right and WA state was one of the only states that moved further left.

Expect another exodus from WA State as many of my Republican friends are now making plans to move here. They have no other choice and no longer use their “children are an anchor” as a reason to stay there.

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I moved out of that FASCIST state also, Jerry! I couldn't cross the border into Idaho FAST ENOUGH! Dino Rossi won the Governership in 2003 & the AG Gregoire (who was a candidate for Governor against Rossi) "won" the Governership after they recounted votes 3 more times only to find Democrat votes! After that they turned our former wonderful vote at the polls voting system into MAIL IN BALLOTS ONLY and selected the candidates from then on! The Governor SUCKS as does the AG Fergeson & the MASSIVE property taxes when you can do NOTHING with your property SUCK ALSO! I am so HAPPY to be in Idaho where I have fellow conservatives EVERYWHERE and where property rights STILL EXIST! Anyway, I fully understand WHY both you & I moved out of Washington and why others will also! If they're conservative -- come -- if not STAY THERE PLEASE AND DO US ALL A FAVOR! Go Idaho! <3 Thanks for all the hard work you do Brian & Keep up the GREAT WORK! I really appreciate the work you and Dorothy (etc!) did to defeat the Rigged Commie Voting Scheme "Prop 1"! Hallelujah! <3

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Nice job Brian. Keep up the good, honest reporting!


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Morning in America returns. Brian, your writing is such a great source of information, especially for us transplants who have tried to figure out the good guys/women from the bad. I know there is poor sentiment about us transplants, but it looks to me that all of us who have been previously under blue state rule have learned what we don't want from our government and what we will not stand for any longer and has helped Idaho become more conservative. I also like how you referenced in one of your other articles about the delay of judgment from God, which I agree. I was telling friends if Trump wins, God is giving undeserved mercy, aka grace and if Kamala wins God is giving us judgment. Now let's hope and pray our legislature does the work of the people.

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