Ivie apparently is very out of touch and is doubling down on leftist idiocy stating that she supports public schools. It is almost comical to think that is a winning issue. I think it is amusing how these leftist try to represent themselves as for the people, when in her own statements, she is for the D party first.

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As my parents and grandparents often said during my childhood (and beyond): “From Your Mouth (Lips) to God's Ears” (https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/from+your+mouth+to+God%27s+ears).

I sincerely hope you are right about the red tsunami, as long as the winners get busy, do not rest on their laurels, strongly uphold truly conservative principles, and start clawing back the many rights we have lost under Democrats and non-conservative Republicans.

Just a few points:

First, not all Republicans (with R) next to their names are true conservatives. Many Idahoans (new and long-time) don’t realize this. A few examples:

- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky): Ties to the Chinese Communist Party (https://teaparty.org/revealed-mcconnells-links-to-chinese-communist-party-473190/)

- Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho): Ties to Big Pharma and other corporate donors, voted with leftist Democrats Pelosi and Schumer (https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2019/02/26/these-senators-received-the-biggest-checks-from-pharma-companies-testifying-drug-pricing-abbvie-sanofi-merck-pfizer/?sh=7055cc721da2 and https://www.clevelandforsenate.com/crapo_facts )

- Governor Brad Little (R-Idaho): Has betrayed Idaho on many fronts, from COVID tyranny to welfare (https://www.votebundy.com/issue/brad-little, https://townhall.com/columnists/scottmorefield/2020/01/06/here-are-the-republican-governors-who-betrayed-trump-and-their-constituents-by-asking-for-refugee-resettlement-in-their-states-n2558981 and https://trueidahonews.com/is-brad-little-a-marionette-for-klaus-schwab-and-the-world-economic-forum/)

Second, before one votes, consider testing the Republican candidate’s behavior, history, and voting record against The Idaho Republican Party Platform (https://idgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2022-24-Idaho-Republican-Party-Platform-1.pdf). For example, Scott Cleveland (formerly Republican, now unaffiliated Constitutional conservative) and Ammon Bundy (formerly Republican, now unaffiliated Constitutional conservative) are more conservative than their Republican opponents, Mike Crapo and Brad Little, respectively.

Finally, I agree that some people are absolutely unhinged while others truly support conservatives. We had some interesting experiences during recent campaign literature drops in our mostly conservative little corner of Idaho.

Our packets included a voting guide for conservatives (most are Republicans when no other viable choices were available), plus information on the two previously mentioned unaffiliated Conservative candidates: Scott Cleveland (https://www.clevelandforsenate.com/) and Ammon Bundy (https://www.votebundy.com/ ).

During our “lit drops,” we were unfailingly friendly, avoided homes with NO SOLICITING and NO TRESPASSING signs, and engaged people only when they were out in their yards (no door knocking).

Two people, a man and a woman were quite rude. The man told me he “already voted,” said loudly “get off my property,” and emphatically returned the packet. The woman shouted “he’s a criminal” and literally threw the packet at me.

By contrast, several engaged in conversation, thanked us for our efforts on behalf of liberty, and requested additional packets for their friends and family.

Wow! Night and day, indeed.

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