
How did you feel KTVB edited your interview?

Accurately or with obvious bias to feed their agenda?

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I thought the way they presented my own comments was fine. They ended up using only about 1/4 of the full interview. Brian Holmes’ snarky comments about LGBTQ stuff was obviously his own opinion. Rose Evans of the Statesman actually asked me about that, for an article that I haven’t seen published yet. I explained that the board evaluated materials according to a single standard - is this sexually explicit in such a way that conforms to state code regarding what is harmful to minors?

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Vox Day's general rule is: Never talk to the Media.

This particular case appears to be the exception. What would you say your general rule on talking to the local media be? Would you say they are generally more objective than national media?

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I’ve become convinced that it’s important to maintain communication with local media, because otherwise they will define you anyway. Blaine Conzatti explained that he always talks to even hostile media because that might be the only way a lot of people hear his message.

In this case, the actual reporter (Aspen Shumpert) was evenhanded in her questions, but Brian Holmes couldn’t resist his snarky commentary after the fact. Such is life.

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