Drag Kids is a war on children's hearts, minds, and bodies. Nearly every big company in Idaho and some smaller ones are sponsoring this thing: https://boisepridefest.org/2022-sponsors. We should show our displeasure by withdrawing our financial support from as many of these companies as we can, and tell them why.
Be aware that "gender affirming surgery" may pay well for the surgeons and seem compassionate at first glance, but it often leaves the surgically-altered mired in regret and deep despair. For poof, listen to the 1-hour podcast "The Emotional Pain and Tragedy of Gender Reassignment Surgery": https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-emotional-pain-and-tragedy-of-gender-reassignment-surgery/
Drag Kids is a war on children's hearts, minds, and bodies. Nearly every big company in Idaho and some smaller ones are sponsoring this thing: https://boisepridefest.org/2022-sponsors. We should show our displeasure by withdrawing our financial support from as many of these companies as we can, and tell them why.
Be aware that "gender affirming surgery" may pay well for the surgeons and seem compassionate at first glance, but it often leaves the surgically-altered mired in regret and deep despair. For poof, listen to the 1-hour podcast "The Emotional Pain and Tragedy of Gender Reassignment Surgery": https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-emotional-pain-and-tragedy-of-gender-reassignment-surgery/