Gem State Chronicle
Podcast of the Gem State Chronicle
Episode 14: The Courage of Our Convictions

Episode 14: The Courage of Our Convictions

What the reaction to the conflict in the Middle East reveals about ourselves

The reaction in the west to the conflict between Israel and Hamas has revealed that we have lost the courage of our convictions. Americans on the right who passionately stand for Israel’s right to defend itself (as I do) find it harder to advocate for America to do the same thing. We have lost something, a sense of our own greatness and moral authority, and it is something must reclaim it if we are to have any hope of saving our country.

Bonus video: I discuss the history of Israel in the Middle East and what that conflict says about America here:

Gem State Chronicle
Podcast of the Gem State Chronicle
News and analysis of issues important to Idaho as well as the country as a whole.